Wellness Center for Older Adults
The Wellness Center provides a variety of services and programs designed to serve the needs and concerns of both seniors and their caregivers. These services are built around three pillars; health, counseling and social services. Please click on the categories below for greater details on what is offered through the Wellness Center. In addition to these regular programs, the Wellness Center provides a series of special educational programs for seniors and caregivers.
A variety of health services, including blood pressure and blood sugar screenings, toenail and fingernail clipping, ear cleaning, and Blood lab testing are offered by the Wellness Center for Older Adults aged 55 and over. Durable Medical Equipment is also available by a no-charge loan program. Many of these services are free or a low cost to help cover medical supplies
We provide free counseling services to seniors and caregivers. Counseling services are offered as individual sessions, and caregiver counseling is both individual and support group structure.
Social Services
Social Workers on staff at the Wellness Center help identify and assist the seniors that are "at-risk". In working with other community partners, the social workers help address housing issues, hoarding, code violations, Medicare and Medicaid benefits, transportation and a variety of other services.